keep off the dunes


Now you might as well put a packet of sweets in front of a child and say to them that sweets are bad for them and they are not to eat them “upon peril of their life”.  And then you leave the room and come back after five minutes and expect the packet to be unopened.  But what you see before you is a demon with a big grin on her face and a defiant look in her eyes and a mouthful of gunge drooling down her chin on both sides.  She’s ready to take on any punishment you might dole out for her.   And trying to forbid anyone to stay off the hill is a bit like this.  It invites one to climb up and rolll down again and do it all over again.  


The reasons for this notice might be based on some real need to protect the grass which in turn prevents erosion occurring but many a person would fail to see its purpose.  And the manner in which it is stated- “Nobody allowed on this hill”- is so final and so bossy that I’d say many a sort who doesn’t like commands would climb it just for the hell of it.


This place is the dunes at Fanore Beach in Co Clare, Ireland close to the burren region.

Glass of Carrot juice

carrot juice among the slate picture frames

You might ask if Heartworks has expanded and has started making juices as well as slate products or you might simply ask what the hell that carrot juice is doing in among the slate picture frames.  The second question would attract a guffaw and the first one a giggle.

Well in answer to the first question;- no way Jose.  We’ll just stick to making slate things, thank you very much.  And to anwer the second one will take a bit longer.  You see, it’s like this.  I’m not only a partner in Heartworks, I’m also Mauricio’s partner and mother of his children and the main bottle washer and nappy changer (not that there’s any nappies nowadays, what with two teenagers)and cleaner and food provider.  I take all my chores seriously and with regards to food provider I especially take that seriously.  There’s nothing like a freshly made juice of any kind, be it carrot and apple or beetroot and carrot or all three combined.  I try to make a juice for Mauricio, Miguel  and Shane at least once a week.  The latter two turn up their noses but Mauricio’s heart misses a beat and he taps his feet and rubs his hands together when he sees me coming with the juice.  This one in the picture had to wait to be drunk .  Mauricio did his usual, ie took out the camera, placed the juice in a “suitable” place and took a photo of it

Airing the clothes

With all this rain and excessive moisture around this summer its no wonder the clothes in my wardrobe started to smell “off”.  So as soon as a nice windy fresh day came along I put them out to air.  There were clothes hanging on the line, dresses suspended from nearby trees and bushes, t-shirts lying across every available chair, trousers strewn over gates.  The garden was a holy sight and, dare i say it, like a tinker’s camp. (there i just said it) but by the end of the day when I had all my clothes put back into the wardrobe they almost spoke to me in appreciation.


A glimpse of the man himself


Above, if you look hard enough, you’ll get a glimpse of Mauricio.  Now he’s a very shy man so this is a rare thing.  Unfortunately, he has a camera stuck up to his face, thus not allowing the viewer a good look.  Believe me, he’s a fine thing.  Here’s another photo with camera still stuck up to his face but slightly clearer view of him


And a photo without camera hiding his face but unfortunately not wearing his hat (which I love).  In this photo he’s deciding what cocktail to serve me with my evening meal (as he does every day)


An Portach

An Portach, meaning The Bog, is a new pub that opened up recently in Tullamore.  Its situated where Weir’s, or was it Wyer’s, pub used to be.  Mauricio of Heartworks did the sign on the front.  He also made two mirrors for them, one in the main part of the bar over the fire place and the other in the ladies’.  In the corner you’ll find a chess table top made by Heartworks.  Some decoupage of ours adorn the walls too, old style photos of Tullamore and the book of Durrow.


I wish them the very best of luck, those brave men, opeing a pub during these uncertain times.  They’re unstoppable.  Fairs due to them!!!
